Wordless Wednesday ....some of this week's sketches
Back to this mobile blogging again...so far, so good. It seems that I blog more on my iPhone that I would typically. The layout and format is a bit different but I'll get used to it. I still haven't figured out where spell check is. Having a bluetooth keyboard makes it soooooo much easier. If it's easy, I'm more likely to do it.
Test hydrangeas...I like the concept well enough to paint them larger.
Yesterday at the park...beautiful day. This is the reason I keep a sketch kit with me.

From this weekend, Cataract General Store...one of the longest running general stores in the US. Lots of fun stuff inside.

New palette for fall colors...it's clean, that's the reason for the sketch.

Testing out some reds for the palette..yep, one cool, one warm, and one because I like it.

Black-eyed susans in a landscape Moleskine...these are a PITA to photography in square. That's ok, I really like the sketchbook.

Basic line drawing of black-eyed susans...it was a warm up.