Index-Card-a-Day Challenge...watercolor and ink minis
I'm still at it...this challenge is pushing me to paint everyday. It's the beginning of the third week...
ICAD #13… The challenge prompt is blueberry and plum. The prompt didn’t talk to me so I’m back to my comfort zone…quick kitty face in Ink and watercolor on 4x6 scrap paper. Line work done with a dip pen. Tomorrow is another day…and another prompt. #ICAD2015
ICAD #14… The challenge prompt is salt and pepper. Water
soluble ink on 4x6 scrap paper, line work done with a dip pen, and totally outside
my comfort zone. #ICAD2015
ICAD #15… I’ve broke leash, went wild…I’m promptless
and I’m staying that way. Watercolor and
ink on 4x6 scrap paper.
I'm done with prompts...they aren't helping at this time.
Have a great day!!!