Packing...Adventure Time...Sketching on the road
The weather next week around here is supposed to be lousy. It's the typical grey, cold ick that rolls around every year about this time. So I'm escaping off and on for the next couple of months. Maybe that will keep me sane and my mouth filter activated.
I've been playing with my portable sketching thingie. Thingie really isn't that great of a description but I'm not sure what to call it.
After a few tweaks, it seems to be working. I'll test drive in the car this week. I can remove a few things like my travel palette, toss it in my bag and I can sketch in a restaurant if I want. Which I do sometimes doesn't to seem my thang. Painting food normally doesn't do it for me for some reason.
The above is my blogging setup and I just use my iPhone as a camera. It isn't much but I don't need much.
It's kinda nice to be able to pick up and go. Time to pack it up and go...