New Lampwork...Texan Outsider Art...Ramble of My Beady Style

In the past couple of weeks, since we know that we are moving soon...I've been trying to get out and see a few things before we leave. I've mentioned 6th Street (Downtown Austin)'s a place of the quirky, unique, and totally fashionable. Much of the art is edgy, cutting edge, and creative. It's one of my favorite inspirational places here in Austin. During my last little peek...I spied a few works of folk art from an outsider artist. It took a lot for me not to bring something home. There's just something about hauling a huge painting cross country that really doesn't do it for me. I tell ya, it's been kinda hard not to pick up several pieces while we have been here. I just don't want to move it. I also know a number of Midwestern artists that I'd really like to have their work in my living room other various places in my home.
The above beads are in a barrel shape, one of my favorites for jewelry designs. These were very time intensive because of the number of colors that I used and the consistent sizes that I wanted. So the price will reflect the time that I spent on them and the price of the odd lots.

My style of beadmaking is changing. I really have two different types of beads, those that are quick and fast then those that are very time intensive. I like making both but I normally only design jewelry with the time intensive ones or if the the glass is an odd hue that I want add beaded beads. Which the beaded bead is the focus of the design and not the lampwork bead.

Am I making any sense or do I need some more java? :-)

So what is happening with my glass styles is that I'm more inspired by the jewelry designs that a bead lead to than the actual beadmaking itself.

I started lampworking in 2003 but have been making jewelry for over 20 years. When we moved here, I had to make a either keep a status quo in jewelry designing or push my lampworking abilities. The reason being is that we knew we weren't staying in Texas within the first two months we were here. So I had to chose to do the networking and jury into the shows here...or to develop and nurture my glassy skills. I chose to develop my lampworking skills. I've spent most of the last three years being on the torch daily, mostly 8 to 10 hours a day. I've studied with some of the best lampworkers, in my opinion, while I've been in Texas.

Now what does all of that mean? After five years, I've finally feel that I am an average lampworker...nothing great, but I can hold my own. In the last couple of months, I've come to the point that I understand my beady style is dictated by my jewelry design style...ok...I'm now rambling so it's time to get going. :-) I'm off to the airport, run to the post office, and start on a new idea I have for glass.

BTW, the above beady dudes will up in my Etsy Shop sometime this week.

Have a happy, creative day!
